ONE WEEK AWAY: WWT International Joining Middle East Oil & Gas Show and Conference 2019

WWT International will proudly be showcasing technology that addresses challenges and delivers improved preformance at the Middle East Oil & Gas Show and Conference at the Bahrain International Exhibition & Conference Center on March 18 - March 21 in Booth 121.
Featured Products Include: WWT FlexShoe (FLX)™, WWT Coiled Tubing Tractors™ and the WWT Non-Rotating Protectors™ tools that were designed to save significant rig time and reduce any risk when running casing on extended reach drilling, horizontal and highly deviated wells.
WWT would like to invite you and your colleagues to visit our Booth (121) to learn more about WWT and our Products and Services, from our Engineers, Sales and Management teams who will be in attendance.
About the Conference: The Middle East Oil & Gas Conference and Exhibition (MEOS) serves all areas of the oil & gas industry. Over the last 40 years it has established a solid reputation as a high quality event with a unique calibre of attendees.
Explore new technologies, business opportunities and partnerships at the MEOS 2019 exhibition, via a 12,000 sqm showcase featuring specialised businesses and some of the oil and gas industry’s largest corporations.
Discover the future of oil & gas at the MEOS 2019 conference, with unique insights on the region’s mega projects, new technologies, case studies and topical discussions led by international industry leaders.