Permian Success: WWT Silencer Sub Damps Drilling Vibrations
Discover how WWT's Silencer Sub Assembly reduced vibrations and stick-slip in the abrasive Bone Spring formations of the Permian, enhancing drilling stability.
20 Apr 2023
WWT Europe 6340: 40% Torque Reduction in ERD Well
Explore how WWT's Non-Rotating Protectors led to a 40% torque reduction and notably reduced vibrations in a European horizontal ERD well, optimizing drilling efficiency.
WWT Silencer Helps Reduce Vibration and Improve Bit Life
Region: PermianProduct: WWT SilencerWell Type: LateralObjective: Reduce Bit FailuresBenefit: Reduce Vibration, Improve Bit Life
16 Sep 2020
WWT Silencer Helps Reduce Vibration, Resulting in Improved ROP and Reduced Bit Wear while Drilling 2 Mile Lateral
Region: PermianProduct: WWT SilencerWell Type: LateralObjective: Reduce Bit WearBenefit: Reduce Vibration, Improve ROP